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So, the walk from Santa Barbara to Malibu was incredible.  It rained 75% of the time.
But most of all, the walkers are incredible.  Congratulations on a magnificent job!

We donated over 7 million dollars (after expenses) from this walk. 
And over 60 million dollars (after expenses) this year!!

Please read our thanks to specific Contributors

Click the photos to see all of
my pictures for each day

Day Zero (Registration)

mvc-213f_RainyRegistration.jpg (60906 bytes)

Day One

mvc-221f_Mile3.50.jpg (83900 bytes)

Day Two

mvc-235f_Mile9.30_ColleenAndFriend.jpg (99713 bytes)

Day Three and Closing Ceremonies

mvc-253f_Mile4.08_AndrewAndTheBees.jpg (73962 bytes)

Coming Soon: Route Info, Links
such as:    Sava's Pages
and:         Brenda's Pages

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Sign up to walk or crew at the Official Website!

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All material copyright © 1999 - 2001  ·  www.AndrewSite.com
If you participated, have photos, suggestions or questions, please contact me by eMail

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